
Yu Dukang, general manager of Longyou Xurong Paper, visited Weiduoduo

Views: 174     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-11-18      Origin: Site

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In the golden autumn of October, the sky is clear and bright. On October 18th, Yu Dukang, General Manager of Longyou Xurong Paper, visited Vedodo, and Vedodo CEO Huang Shasha and Vice President Zhou Hailiang came to receive. The two parties conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on the in-depth cooperation in paper products, the later development of the pulp board market and the development trend of the industry.


Mr. Yu pointed out that this visit to Wei Duoduo is to "seeing is believing" and to understand Wei Duoduo from a real perspective; the second is to conduct on-site exchanges with Wei Duoduo to further discuss the cooperation between the two parties. Focus.

After visiting the office of Weiduoduo, Mr. Yu said that most of Weiduoduo’s partners are born in the 80s and 90s. Such a young, enthusiastic and energetic team makes them, strategic cooperative enterprises, have more expectations for the future. I hope that Wei Duoduo can always maintain such a passionate working state, and better empower the development of enterprises in the industry.

In the process of in-depth exchanges with Weiduoduo CEO Huang Shasha and Vice President Zhou Hailiang, Mr. Yu said that during the cooperation between Xurong Paper and Weiduoduo, the two parties have always maintained good and pleasant communication. Of course, based on the current cooperation, Both parties still have broader space to explore, such as flexible supply chain management and promotion of pulp board, cloud warehousing and logistics, cloud ERP, SaaS development and services, and the expansion of regional electrical products based on big data. To achieve the efficient advancement of the above-mentioned cooperation, it is necessary to make use of the advantages of the Weiduoduo e-commerce platform in industry big data and supply chain management services. For the in-depth cooperation in the later period, Longyou Xurong expressed expectations and believes that the cooperation with Weiduoduo will bring more surprises and benefits to the development of Xurong.


Weiduoduo CEO Huang Shasha said in the exchange that Xurong Paper and Weiduoduo are young and fast-growing companies in the industry. Nowadays, both Weiduoduo and Xurong have attracted the attention of all companies in the industry. Weiduoduo The cooperation with Xurong can be described as a strong alliance and complementary advantages. As the cooperation between the two parties continues to deepen, the development prospects of the companies of both parties will be broader.

Zhou Hailiang, vice president of Weiduoduo, said that if you want to continue to achieve a win-win situation, you need to continue to communicate and run-in. For the two parties mentioned by Mr. Yu in the management and promotion of the pulp board flexible supply chain, cloud warehousing, cloud logistics, and cloud ERP , SaaS development and services, relying on the further cooperation and development of regional electricity commodity expansion based on big data, Wei Duoduo will spare no effort to give more support and empowerment, I believe Wei Duoduo and Xurong will unveil A brand-new development chapter, Wei Duoduo is also very much looking forward to this.

The exchange between the two parties slowly came to an end in a relaxed and happy atmosphere. Before parting, the leaders of the two parties took a group photo to mark the end.